
Machine Status

The status of the washing machines and dryers is displayed below. Empty machines are displayed as ‘available’. When a machine is in use then the time since it was started is displayed. You can request a notification about your finished laundry here.

Washing machines

The Studierendenwerk Aachen operates two washing cellars at Kullenhof, housing four washing machines and dryers each. They are located in the cellars of house 3 (Kullenhofstr. 62) and house 6 (Kullenhofstr. 56)

One wash costs 1.50€, the charge for drying is 1€. You can pay with your RWTH Bluecard, the FH card or guest cards from Studierendenwerk.

Should you encounter problems with the washing machiens, please contact the janitors or Studierendenwerk Aachen.

  • There is a scale available in both washing cellars. Please make sure not to overload the machines.
  • Detergent should be used adequately as recommended by the manufacturer. This conserves both the machines and your funds.
  • Please always clean the dust filters after using the dryer.


There is an open hatch at the bottom left of the machines in which you can use e.g a sturdy key to press down the yellow lever to always open the door.

ATTENTION: This will always open the door, even if the machine is not yet finished

No, you can only charge it up via the methods provided by the STW. The closest machine to charge up your card is in the Mensa Vita.

Write the janitors what is broken at You can use the other machines or the other washroom